Learning by doing
Our 4-day program has a very practical learning-by-doing format.
It uses the latest insights into entrepreneurship and business development - also recommended by Harvard and Stanford.
All the material is presented and done in a very simple and easy to understand format that requires no insight into difficult theories.
However, we do make sure participants grasp the essential elements of the Lean Start-up approach and how these are rooted in theory.
The program takes participants, step-by-step, through a series of practical exercises that result in a tested and validated business proposition.
The Lean Start-up Methodology
Our program is based on the Lean Start-up methodology.
After a quick scan of various elements that are essential for a business (business model canvas) we zoom in on the elements most essential for success – the value proposition and a very precise definition of the most relevant customer segments (early adopters).
We help participants to Identify the most critical assumptions underlying these elements of their business idea.
Based on these critical assumptions participants are then guided through a process to build a minimum viable product that can be tested with customers (rapid prototyping and testing) and able to get customer feedback and learn from it.
The goal is to reduce the product development cycle to a minimum and to save time, resources and money.
Rapid Prototyping
Instead of spending months on developing a business plan on paper, participants actually start building their businesses from the very first day.
This happens because they are assisted to design prototypes of their products and services that can be tested with actual customers.
Customer feedback can then be immediately used to improve the design of their business. Every step in the business development is supported and validated by customer feedback.
This forms the building blocks of what would eventually become a fully-worked out business case that has been tested with customers and stakeholders.
In the process participants also learn to tell the stories of their business development, again, building up step-by-step to the final pitch on the last day.
Experience and Track Record
Socionext pioneered the application of the Harvard Business School Lean Start-up method to social entrepreneurship and social innovation at universities in Europe, starting in 2010.
Socionext has more than seven years of experience implementing its programs for different target groups in the Netherlands, Denmark, Georgia, South Africa and Botswana.
Socionext Africa is applying this method to the activation of social innovation and entrepreneurship throughout South Africa.
Since 2014, almost 2000 participants have succeeded in creating innovative business ideas, that were accelerated and tested with real customers, validating their businesses and often generating their first sales and contracts.
Over this period, Socionext has proven that the Lean Start-up methodology can be applied successfully for different target groups in South Africa. For example, Socionext was commissioned to prepare 20 finalists in the City of Johannesburg Green City Challenge with a prize money of 1 million rand:
-> Read more about the Green City Challenge here
And for a real life example of what can be done using this methodology see:
-> The incredible story of The Big Pill Machine