Ngcambu Tours is owned by Sonwabo Khangela, his company provides guided excursions and travel packages to discover the splendor of Mpondoland, highlighting the diverse cultural legacy and stunning natural landscapes.  

Sonwabo explained that the company faces various obstacles, including limited marketing resources, fluctuations in tourism demand based on seasons, and competition from well-established tour companies. He overcomes these challenges, by focusing on delivering distinctive, tailored experiences, fostering strong ties with local communities and partners, and utilizing social media and word-of-mouth promotion.

His determination stems from his passion for revealing the region’s hidden treasures, his dedication to generating employment opportunities and fostering economic development within the community, and the positive responses received from content customers.

Sonwabo explained how Socionext played a crucial role in enhancing his business by offering valuable advice on digital marketing and optimizing social media, enabling the company to reach a broader audience and enhance its booking rates.

The future goals for Ngcambu Tours are to broaden the range of tours to incorporate eco-tourism and adventurous activities, to form partnerships with international tour operators, and to establish a sustainable, community-oriented tourism model.