Shadrack Mlimo is the owner of Mlimo Poultry Project, A small-scale broiler chicken business.
Like many broiler farmers in this region, Shadrack’s business has faced challenges of a lack of infrastructure to support large numbers of birds per cycle. This meant he has been unable to access formal supply contracts where large numbers of birds are needed per order.
Despite the challenges he has managed the business well achieving consistent profit margins of 50%.
Shadrack shares that the program has had a big impact on him and his business.
The biggest change he has seen is being taught how to separate his personal and business finances, develop financial plans and savings targets. With these skills he is confident about the future as he can envision how is business will grow by reinvesting his profits into the business.
Shadrack has used the investment capital to build a second chicken coop and improve his current facilities. These changes are set to increase his production per cycle from 300 to 500 chickens.