Thabbinoh Tuckshop is a spaza store owned by Riel Pebane. Spaza is the South African term for the small-scale grocery stores often found in townships and rural areas. 

Prior to the programme Riel was working part-time as the business could not support him and his family. Through the mentoring support and investment his business has grown. Not only is he now full-time in the business but he has employed an additional staff member.

Riel used his grant to purchase a flash card machine, chip maker, deep frier, popcorn machine, an inverter and stock. This has created new revenue streams, helped him attract customers due to improved ease of purchase and ensures he can operate when there is no electricity.

Changes which are having a big impact on his bottom line. From the start of the program to program close, Thabbinoh Tuckshop’s average monthly profit increased by 440%

“I was stealing (sic) from my business, I was eating the profit. Now I am able to grow it. The business was stuck, and I was unaware. I was not able to make any changes and it was not able to sustain me.”

“My life has changed so much. Now I am focused! I used to lose hope but now I am hopeful. I see that anything is possible.“